Feast or famine from this torpid vantage point of August, the latter definitely in mind when the summer jazz festival season finally runs out of steam and the big city concert hall jazz programmes go into a seasonal slumber. Looking ahead to the feast of the autumn Bristol has a strong October in store to start off with at local mainstay St George’s. David Murray, no better, kicks the international jazz season off on 16 October with his quartet and his first Bristol gig in yonks. His latest album is reviewed here www.marlbank.net/reviews/668-a-mission-among-the-ones-who-listen. Murray is followed on 7 November by Darius Brubeck with a tribute to his late father; and then a week later on 14 November it’s the duo of Hugh Masekela and Larry Willis (more here http://www.marlbank.net/news/876-hugh-masekela-and-willis-friends-tour-confirmed-for-the-autumn). Bass boss Michael Janisch brings his hard gigging Bunch of Fives quintet to Bristol on 21 November and then Liane Carroll whose Ballads album this year was a career peak http://www.marlbank.net/reviews/537-art-of-the-song completes the series Sindy writer Phil Johnson programmes so astutely. It's on 12 December.
Tickets: http://www.stgeorgesbristol.co.uk
To infinity and beyond, David Murray above