Thanks for the music, Bob Cranshaw.

The Sonny Rollins bassist who played double bass particularly back in the day and often bass guitar at concerts in recent years has died at the age of 83. Cranshaw will be remembered for his many decades of concerts both playing gigs and recording albums with Sonny Rollins, a long association that also included appearances on such classic albums of Rollins’ as The Bridge. Click on the underlined text for a review of the Road Shows Vol 3 album (released two years ago) on which he appeared with Newk. And read an obituary of Bob Cranshaw in US music trade paper Billboard. 

And listen, clicking here, to Cranshaw’s solo, well in, on ‘Without a Song,’ a song that goes back to the late-1920s, on the Saxophone Colossus’ post sabbatical classic album The Bridge released in 1962