Quite funny really the things you’ll find on Bandcamp. On the one hand there is the seriously excellent music you’re getting a preview of weeks before release; on the other the daft band name/album title combos that litter the place.

I’m amazed how much sheer crap there is there, and in the spirit of bafflement I bring you my favourite preposterous listens this week. 

Some things are just lost in translation as in Mayborne Hash’s Arts of Low, above. Love the title of one of the tracks: ‘Perfectamente Borracho!’ Yes, we are masters of grief as the lyrics have it on ‘The Chain,’ Leonard Cohen eat your heart out.

Things get a lot worse, and really the art directors have a lot to answer for. Take a look at the pitiful cover of Hits From The Valley for instance. Tagged under jazz, of course it isn’t. God knows what it is!

This could go on, but really the funniest I’ve found recently is You Wouldn’t Drink Bleach by TSB, teenage prank masquerading, well not very, as well teenage prank.