Less is definitely more. And that truism (false-ism, is there such a word?) applies more than most in the sparse silence-laden intense interplay on display on a new four-CD set Enough Still Not To Know documenting guitarist Keith Rowe and pianist John Tilbury’s recent work together.

Produced by visual artist Kjell Bjørgeengen for a video installation and recorded in London’s City University Music Studios in July 2014 it’s the small detonations, the tolling of distant bells, sudden abrupt surprises and manipulation of harsh contrasts between nothingness and unexpected eruptions of roughly textured sound and space that grab you by the scruff of the neck here, the Cornelius Cardew and AMM veterans past masters of a kind of phatic communion of shared improvisational concepts and intuition.

You can hear Rowe and Tilbury play Cafe Oto, London on 28 September, part of a Sofa label night, ahead of release. Music from Part 2 of the set can also be listened to above