Coming up for release new this month is an evocatively noir-ish vibes-flavoured quartet album  – the moody album cover art providing the visual style as a counterpart to the existential dread of the title No Way Out  – from France-based Italian jazz musician Giovanni Mirabassi.

The musical world of the pianist known for his work in the fairly distant past now with Chet Baker and with saxophonist Steve Grossman hardly belongs out there on the mean streets of the big city. Spiral fans look elsewhere. Kenny Werner-like in its sophistication and harmonic savoir faire and comprised of the Italian’s own compositions this Cam Jazz release was recorded in New York, Stefon Harris on vibes joining Mirabasssi, double bassist Gianluca Renzi and drummer Lukmil Perez Herrera. UK/Ireland release is 9 February.

Mirabassi above