
This week sees the first of a new weekly night led by jazz trumpeter Rick Swann, who readers may recall was in residence at the short lived Fountain Street spot Jaxx before Christmas. Starting at smart south Belfast boîte The Albany on the Lisburn Road on 28 May it’s a jam session spearheaded by Swann, relatively new on the scene, who has been making waves in recent months in mainstream circles, and who appeared at the City of Derry Jazz and Big Band festival featuring in frenetic gigging that took in some 11 shows over the weekend of the festival, his tones reminiscent of Enrico Tomasso or even Humphrey Lyttelton in his heyday, a signature take on ‘Danny Boy’ hushing the busy scene at the City Hotel session. (“I wasn't expecting that feature until the drummer announced I would be playing it,” Rick says.) Pianist Scott Flanigan, Ambient Forces bassist Alan Niblock, and drummer Rebecca Montgomery (gigging with singer Victoria Geelan recently as well as playing in Sunday sessions at Lisburn Road spot the Chelsea), are to appear as the rhythm section on opening night.
The Albany bar, top