The streaming of live gigs was one of the tech trends jazzers embraced this year. But what will be hot in 2014?

1 Bands will promote themselves by video more and they’ll be using Facebook less and Tumblr, Twitter, Soundcloud, and Topsy more. They’ll also blog reluctantly, unless a funding body insists.
2 They’ll be more cautious about their unrealistic hopes about using Kickstarter although they’ll take note of notable successes in crowdsourced funding this year from the likes of Gwyneth Herbert and Led Bib.
3 They’ll mount more of their own artist-curated festivals. This year Whirlwind and WSP led the way.
4 They’ll tour more and record less. They’ll play more pubs now that licensing for live music is better.
5 They’ll not even think about releasing EPs unless they want their precious recordings to be ‘jazz landfill’. They won’t bother so much with Bandcamp and they'll issue more audiophile vinyl on the side. Stephen Graham