Stein Urheim
Stein Urheim
Stein Urheim
Hubro ***

This slightly odd album by Norwegian guitarist Stein Urheim, a player you might have caught with much celebrated experimental folk-jazz singer Mari Kvien Brunvoll, has plenty of homespun charm even if its five tracks meander remorselessly despite the album’s relative brevity. With only the nominal presence and the synths and effects of his co-producer Jørgen Træen for company Urheim brandishes a remarkable array of overdubbed guitars, harmonica, bouzouki, and skidding zithers of the Norwegian and Chinese variety along the way. Sometimes, as on the compellingly rootsy ‘Beijing Blues’, where you'd swear Urheim is only a step away from exploring the delta blues, it works. The rest is a bit of an amiable ramble. SG  
Released on 24 February