A transgressive take on the “organ” trio. We are not talking chopped liver. 

Sunny? Oh no we do not always like sunny. The sunniness is speckled with a darker shadow instead thanks to these guys. 

Somehow Moran, the Claudia Quintet vibist, has managed to inject an element of doubt which is one of the most significant aspects of an avant jazz record along with the fact that all clichés are if not banned completely frowned upon.

Moran, someone the sadly deceased Village Voice decided “plays the vibraphone like a speed-chess master” is with the great Gary Versace, again a wayfaring mate of the Claudia Quintet who does not think that he is the reincarnation of Jimmy Smith like most organists usually do. Instead he seems to have cooked up a tumble of zany diagonal lines that, forgive me for hallucinating, swing upside down spiced by jagged offbeats and the right kind of heat to really entice Ingrid Laubrock drummer Tom Rainey who makes the rhythms stir it up and really rouse his arse.

Released on Diskonife (no, me neither) I will not bang on interminably... you will be wigging out to this: promise. SG