Andre Canniere
Whirlwind Recordings ****
A state-of-the-art acoustic post-bop release with a fine band the expat American trumpeter has assembled, with Phronesis pianist Ivo Neame exhibiting his sheer class, guitarist Hannes Riepler on impeccable form, bassist Ryan Trebilcock surely destined for great things, and Kairos 4tet’s Jon Scott the ultimate rock. You can discern the ‘conversation’ in all their playing and the acuity of their improvisational flair. Riepler is really a force to be reckoned with here teasing out every ounce of meaning from his solo lines that have an elasticity matched only by Scott’s flair. Canniere’s tunes are strong, his sound dark in hue at times and with an edge to it where necessary. Convincing in every detail. SG
Released on 28 October